Attorney Jacques Joseph Henri, meets NYPD Detective Ayo James at a coffee shop in New York City. They both...
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Jacques and Ayo meet for dinner in the city’s Greenwich Village talking all night about each other’s work walking...
On another long dinner and walk through The West Village, Ayo and Jacques talk incessantly about African American history...
Yet another dinner and lengthy dialogue Jacques confines to Ayo that he had a psychological meltdown in a Belgian...
The seeds of Jacques unique theory of justice are sown. Jacques explains how the trauma of slavery and Post...
Under a front-page headline of Trump maligning Muslims again, a report on a horribly violent maiming attack on one...
Back in NOLA, Jacques is recuperating from his attempted suicide, illness and trauma at Bellevue. Ayo and Jacques are...
Ayo gets support from CaptainMcSorley to quickly convince prosecutors to release Jacques from Bellevue. Jacques has no place to...
Chapter 33: NY State Supreme Court, Manhattan: Who’s on Trial, Jacques or Mame?
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0The arrival of seven severed hands to Belgium authorities leads prosecutors to exonerating Jacques for the crime of maiming...