Chapter 1: Greenwich Village, Coffee Shop Encounters
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Chapter 2: 1998—Tremé, New Orleans, Drumming in Congo Square
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Jacques and Ayo meet for dinner in the city’s Greenwich Village talking all night about each other’s work walking...
Chapter 3: Greenwich Village, Drumming in Washington Square Park
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
On another long dinner and walk through The West Village, Ayo and Jacques talk incessantly about African American history...
Chapter 4: 2009—Antwerp, Belgium—Chocolate Hands
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Yet another dinner and lengthy dialogue Jacques confines to Ayo that he had a psychological meltdown in a Belgian...
Chapter 5: Greenwich Village, “Show me your drums!”
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
The seeds of Jacques unique theory of justice are sown. Jacques explains how the trauma of slavery and Post...
Chapter 6: Love and Hate in Greenwich Village
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Under a front-page headline of Trump maligning Muslims again, a report on a horribly violent maiming attack on one...
Chapter 36: NYPD Sixth Precinct: Thai Cuisine and Football?
applicist, , Chapters, 0
Ayo and Jacques are in New Orleans at Jacques’s mother’s house planning their 2024 wedding. Trump is out of...
Chapter 35: Brussels, Belgium: My Dog Ran Off with My Hand!
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Back in NOLA, Jacques is recuperating from his attempted suicide, illness and trauma at Bellevue. Ayo and Jacques are...
Chapter 34: Greenwich Village with Ayo Alone
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Ayo gets support from CaptainMcSorley to quickly convince prosecutors to release Jacques from Bellevue. Jacques has no place to...