Ayo and Jacques are in New Orleans at Jacques’s mother’s house planning their 2024 wedding. Trump is out of the White House defeated by Joe Biden and his running mate Stacey Abrams in 2020. The Southern District of New York who confined Jacques to Bellevue has indicted Trump on RICO charges of money laundering, tax evasion, extortion and attempted murder of call girls, who Trump stiffed of $3500/night, offered state’s evidence against Trump. Ayo and Jacques are relaxing in the back “secret garden” of his mom’s massive, ornate Victorian home in Treme on Esplanade Avenue when Jacques spies the Blue Bottle Tree in the far corner of the garden. His mom always told him this tree was an important African cultural trope to ward-off evil spirits. Now Jacques understands. He has come full-circle back to his African spiritual roots in the secret garden in which he grew up explaining the power and significance of the secrets of the African Blue Bottle Tree to Ayo. She listens. She now understands.
Chapter 36: NYPD Sixth Precinct: Thai Cuisine and Football?
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Chapter 1: Greenwich Village, Coffee Shop Encounters
applicist, , Chapters, 0
Attorney Jacques Joseph Henri, meets NYPD Detective Ayo James at a coffee shop in New York City. They both...
Chapter 2: 1998—Tremé, New Orleans, Drumming in Congo Square
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Jacques and Ayo meet for dinner in the city’s Greenwich Village talking all night about each other’s work walking...
Chapter 3: Greenwich Village, Drumming in Washington Square Park
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
On another long dinner and walk through The West Village, Ayo and Jacques talk incessantly about African American history...
Chapter 4: 2009—Antwerp, Belgium—Chocolate Hands
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Yet another dinner and lengthy dialogue Jacques confines to Ayo that he had a psychological meltdown in a Belgian...
Chapter 5: Greenwich Village, “Show me your drums!”
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
The seeds of Jacques unique theory of justice are sown. Jacques explains how the trauma of slavery and Post...
Chapter 6: Love and Hate in Greenwich Village
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Under a front-page headline of Trump maligning Muslims again, a report on a horribly violent maiming attack on one...
Chapter 35: Brussels, Belgium: My Dog Ran Off with My Hand!
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Back in NOLA, Jacques is recuperating from his attempted suicide, illness and trauma at Bellevue. Ayo and Jacques are...
Chapter 34: Greenwich Village with Ayo Alone
Bernard Demczuk, , Chapters, 0
Ayo gets support from CaptainMcSorley to quickly convince prosecutors to release Jacques from Bellevue. Jacques has no place to...